Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Helping hands!

Hey Family and Friends,

  I hope that all of you are safe and doing well. I’m doing good. This month has been a lot more fast-moving for me as I’m helping my sister Santhiya with the Family Support Program. I’m helping her with updating the Kids’ information, the new children that have joined the program, and the tuition center program. I’ve been doing a lot of data entry and even though it doesn’t sound very exciting, I consider this part of ministry as I’m able to get to know about the kids, their stories, and their background. It has opened my heart and mind to being more grateful and have compassion for them. I’m more aware of the children in the program now than I have been before.

  My friend Ritika got an opportunity to open up about her faith to her family. Although they weren’t very happy about it, she is able to talk more freely to them about Jesus and pray for them. It isn’t easy for her to be the only Christian in her family but the Lord has been good to her. I’m able to encourage her and tell her that she’s not alone. She has God with her even closer to her than before, that she has her spiritual family behind her, praying for her and supporting her.

  I also started working part-time at The Daily Bean and I are really happy to be back there again. It’s not for very long but I’m glad to be of help there too!! I get to minister to my bosses by working for them and serve the customers too!! I try to be as available as I can to any who needs help. I’m hoping that I could carry the presence of God even at work and to the customers I serve.

  This month I’m learning how to dwell in the presence of God even in the mundane things and daily routine of life. My family has been doing a Bible study on the book of Mark and we listen to Francis Chan’s teaching on this book. I’ve been able to get a different perspective on this book as one of the points that really stuck put to me or that I resonate with is not losing the fascination of the Good News. In this time and generation, we easily put the Good News of Jesus along with our daily life’s good news and we don’t even realize it.  I can say that I have done that and I got convicted of it. I’m humbled by His holiness and His decision to make the Good News known to me, a lowly human deserving death. But because of his goodness and Unconditional love for me he chose to bring me into his family and kingdom. He gave up His son Jesus for me!! I am saved!! I am loved!!

  Some prayer points are:
1.       Please pray for Ritika. Pray for more of Jesus and that she would feel his presence tangible, like a blanket around her. She would feel the peace of God and that she would be able to lead her family to Jesus.
2.       Please pray for the tuition center that the FSP is trying to set up. It’s not easy setting up extra classes for the children with all the Coronavirus chaos.
3.       Please pray for the Daily Bean. Pray that God would send more customers and that we’d be able to serve and work well.

Faith as small as a Mustard seed.

  Hey family and friends,   This month has been a very challenging month for me. My school and class are going great and smooth. They are ...