Friday, July 10, 2020

Reminders and practice

  Hey Family and friends,

 I hope that all of you are safe and well. I’m doing good. This month we got to hold a wedding of one of my sisters; Viji. It was a small wedding but it was beautiful. It was one of a kind! The wedding was on June 18th and I got to be a part of the wedding. The weather was perfect and this wedding gave us a reason to glorify God for his goodness in the midst of chaos and the pandemic. I was able to serve the guest and pray at the wedding. The wedding was a success and it went smoothly without any problems. Our family just got a little bigger now and it will keep getting larger. 
Viji and Arun's Wedding!    

   This month the Lord has been reminding me of 2 chronicles 7:14 a lot. I’ve been drifting and back-sliding into my old habits of being apathetic and lethargic spiritually. But the Lord has been very patient with me. the scriptures that he spoke to me through was in Psalms 25: 4,5 and Psalm 27:4. It talks about asking God to show me his ways, teach me his path, and guide me in his truth. And to ask one thing of the Lord, to dwell in his house, gaze upon his beauty and seek him in his temple. This is all that matters in this time and season to him from me. The Lord has been teaching me what it really means to dwell in his house and to gaze upon his beauty. My prayer has been this for the past few days; May integrity and uprightness protect me because my hope is in you. So, now every time I’m feeling apathetic or back-sliding I remind myself of this verse and it helps me move forward with God.

   Working at The Daily Bean and Family Support Program has really been helping me practice self-Discipline, have integrity and uprightness in whatever I do as it pleases the Lord and its worship to him. Business at Daily Bean is slowly picking up again and we’ve been able to get the family support back into routine and praying that we’ll be able to continue working. We’re getting into the peak of the virus here and I’m praying for safety and health not just my family but everyone. I believe the Lord will heal this land when we seek him and pray to him.
  Some prayer points for this season of my life are:
1.       Please pray for healing in this land, safety, and well-being of every family. People would turn from wicked ways and repent.
2.       Please pray that I would clothe myself in righteousness and live a life pleasing to God.
3.       Please pray for my family, for protection, safety, and be able to continue being a light to the world.

Faith as small as a Mustard seed.

  Hey family and friends,   This month has been a very challenging month for me. My school and class are going great and smooth. They are ...